Cara Beranda


Bilah Ikon Ikon Menu Akordeon tab Tab Vertikal Tajuk Tab Tab Halaman Penuh Arahkan Tab Navigasi Atas Topnav Responsif Navbar dengan Ikon Cari Menu Bilah Pencarian Bilah Sisi Tetap Navigasi Halaman Bilah Sisi Responsif Navigasi Layar Penuh Menu Di Luar Kanvas Arahkan Tombol Sidenav Bilah Sisi dengan Ikon Menu Gulir Horisontal Menu Vertikal Navigasi Bawah Navigasi Bawah Responsif Tautan Nav Perbatasan Bawah Tautan Menu Rata Kanan Tautan Menu Terpusat Tautan Menu Lebar Sama Menu Tetap Geser Bawah Bar di Gulir Sembunyikan Navbar di Gulir Kecilkan Navbar di Gulir Navbar Lengket Navbar pada Gambar Arahkan kursor ke Dropdown Klik Dropdown Dropdown bertingkat Dropdown di Topnav Dropdown di Sidenav Resp Navbar Dropdown Menu Subnavigasi Drop-up Mega Menu Menu Seluler Menu Tirai Bilah Samping yang Diciutkan Panel Samping yang Diciutkan paginasi Tepung roti Grup Tombol Grup Tombol Vertikal Bar Sosial Lengket Navigasi pil Tajuk Responsif


Tampilan slide Galeri Slideshow Gambar Modal Kotak lampu Kisi Gambar Responsif Kotak Gambar Galeri Tab Hamparan Gambar Memudar Slide Hamparan Gambar Zoom Hamparan Gambar Judul Hamparan Gambar Ikon Hamparan Gambar Efek Gambar Gambar Hitam Putih Teks Gambar Blok Teks Gambar Teks Gambar Transparan Gambar Halaman Penuh Formulir pada Gambar Gambar Pahlawan Gambar Latar Belakang Kabur Ubah Bg di Gulir Gambar Berdampingan Gambar Bulat Gambar Avatar Gambar Responsif Gambar Tengah Gambar kecil Perbatasan Sekitar Gambar Temui Tim Gambar Lengket Balikkan Gambar Goyangkan Gambar Galeri Portofolio Portofolio dengan Penyaringan Zoom Gambar Kaca Pembesar Gambar Slider Perbandingan Gambar favicon


Tombol Peringatan Tombol Garis Besar Tombol Split Tombol Animasi Tombol Memudar Tombol pada Gambar Tombol Media Sosial Baca Selengkapnya Baca Lebih Sedikit Memuat Tombol Unduh Tombol Tombol pil Tombol Pemberitahuan Tombol Ikon Tombol Berikutnya/sebelumnya Lebih Banyak Tombol di Nav Tombol Blok Tombol Teks Tombol Bulat Gulir Ke Atas Tombol


Formulir Masuk Formulir Pendaftaran Formulir Pembayaran formulir kontak Formulir Masuk Sosial Formulir Pendaftaran Formulir dengan Ikon Buletin Formulir Bertumpuk Formulir Responsif Formulir Munculan Formulir Sebaris Kosongkan Bidang Masukan Sembunyikan Panah Nomor Salin Teks ke Papan Klip Pencarian Animasi Tombol Cari Pencarian Layar Penuh Bidang Masukan di Navbar Formulir Masuk di Navbar Kotak Centang/Radio Khusus Pilihan Kustom Sakelar Beralih Centang Kotak Centang Deteksi Caps Lock Tombol Pemicu di Enter Validasi Kata Sandi Alihkan Visibilitas Kata Sandi Formulir Beberapa Langkah Pelengkapan otomatis Matikan pelengkapan otomatis Matikan periksa ejaan Tombol Unggah File Validasi Input Kosong


Daftar Filter Tabel Filter Elemen Filter Filter tarik-turun Urutkan Daftar Tabel Eja


Meja Bergaris Zebra Meja Tengah Tabel lebar penuh Meja Berdampingan Tabel Responsif Tabel perbandingan


Video Layar Penuh Kotak Modal Hapus Modal Linimasa Indikator Gulir Bilah Kemajuan Skill Bar Penggeser Rentang Keterangan alat Arahkan Elemen Tampilan Muncul tiba-tiba bisa dilipat Kalender HTML Termasuk Daftar Yang Harus Dilakukan Pemuat Peringkat Bintang Peringkat Pengguna Efek Hamparan Hubungi Chips Kartu-kartu Kartu Balik Kartu Profil Kartu Produk Peringatan Memanggil Catatan Label lingkaran Gaya SDM Kupon Daftar Grup Daftar Tanpa Peluru Teks Responsif Potongan Teks Teks Bersinar Catatan Kaki Tetap Elemen Lengket Tinggi sama Hapus perbaikan Float Responsif snack bar Jendela Layar Penuh Gambar Gulir Gulir Halus Gradien Bg Gulir Tajuk Lengket Kecilkan Tajuk di Gulir Tabel Harga paralaks Rasio Aspek Iframe Responsif Alihkan Suka/Tidak Suka Alihkan Sembunyikan/Tampilkan Alihkan Mode Gelap Alihkan Teks Beralih Kelas Tambahkan Kelas Hapus Kelas Kelas Aktif Pemandangan Pohon Hapus Properti Deteksi Offline Temukan Elemen Tersembunyi Arahkan ulang halaman web Zoom Arahkan Kotak Balik Pusatkan Secara Vertikal Tombol Tengah di DIV Transisi saat Arahkan kursor panah Bentuk Unduh Tautan Elemen Tinggi Penuh Jendela Peramban Bilah Gulir Kustom Sembunyikan Bilah Gulir Tampilkan/Paksa Scrollbar Tampilan Perangkat Perbatasan yang dapat diedit Warna Placeholder Warna Pilihan Teks Warna Peluru Garis Vertikal Jangka pembagi garis Ikon Animasi Penghitung Waktu Mundur Mesin tik Halaman Segera Hadir Pesan Obrolan Jendela Obrolan Popup Layar Terpisah Testimonial Penghitung Bagian Kutipan Slideshow Item Daftar yang Dapat Ditutup Breakpoints Perangkat Khas Elemen HTML yang Dapat Diseret Pertanyaan Media JS Penyorot Sintaks Animasi JS Panjang String JS Eksponen JS Parameter Default JS Dapatkan URL Saat Ini Dapatkan Ukuran Layar Saat Ini Dapatkan Elemen Iframe

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Sebuah "Draf Tata Letak"

It is always wise to draw a layout draft of the page design before building a website.

Having a "Layout Draft" will make it a lot easier to create a web site:

Navigation bar


The Band

Description of the band

Description of the band

Description of the band





Doctype, Meta Tags, and CSS

The doctype should define the page as an HTML5 document:

<!DOCTYPE html>

A meta tag should define the character set to be UTF-8:

<meta charset="UTF-8">

A viewport meta tag should make the web site work on all devices and screen resolutions:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

W3.CSS should take care of all our styling needs and all device and browser differences:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

To learn more about styling with W3.CSS, please visit our W3.CSS Tutorial.

Our first empty web page will look much like this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

<!-- Content will go here -->


Note: If you want to create a website from scratch, without the help of a CSS framework, read our How To Make a Website Tutorial.

Creating Page Content

Inside the <body> element of our web site we will use our "Layout Picture" and create:

  • A navigation bar
  • A slide show
  • A header
  • Some sections and articles
  • A footer

Semantic Elements

HTML5 introduced several new semantic elements. Semantic elements are important to use because they define the structure of web pages and helps screen readers and search engines to read the page correctly.

These are some of the most common semantic HTML elements:

The <section> element can be used to define a part of a website with related content.

The <article> element can be used to define an individual piece of content.

The <header> element can be used to define a header (in a document, a section, or an article).

The <footer> element can be used to define a footer (in a document, a section, or an article).

The <nav> element can be used to define a container of navigation links.

In this tutorial we will use semantic elements.

However, it is up to you if you want to use <div> elements instead.

The Navigation Bar

On our "Layout Draft" we have a "Navigation bar".

<!-- Navigation -->
<nav class="w3-bar w3-black">
  <a href="#home" class="w3-button w3-bar-item">Home</a>
  <a href="#band" class="w3-button w3-bar-item">Band</a>
  <a href="#tour" class="w3-button w3-bar-item">Tour</a>
  <a href="#contact" class="w3-button w3-bar-item">Contact</a>

We can use a <nav> or <div> element as a container for the navigation links.

The w3-bar class is a container for navigation links.

The w3-black class defines the color of the navigation bar.

The w3-bar-item and w3-button class styles the navigation links inside the bar.

Slide Show

On the "Layout Draft" we have a "Slide show".

For the slide show we can use a <section> or <div> element as a picture container:

<!-- Slide Show -->
  <img class="mySlides" src="img_la.jpg" style="width:100%">
  <img class="mySlides" src="img_ny.jpg" style="width:100%">
  <img class="mySlides" src="img_chicago.jpg" style="width:100%">

We need to add a little JavaScript to change the images every 3 seconds:

// Automatic Slideshow - change image every 3 seconds
var myIndex = 0;

function carousel() {
  var i;
  var x = document.getElementsByClassName("mySlides");
  for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
    x[i].style.display = "none";
  if (myIndex > x.length) {myIndex = 1}
  x[myIndex-1].style.display = "block";
  setTimeout(carousel, 3000);

Sections and Articles

Looking at the "Layout Draft" we can see that the next step is to create articles.

First we will create a <section> or <div> element containing band information:

<section class="w3-container w3-center" style="max-width:600px">
  <h2 class="w3-wide">THE BAND</h2>
  <p class="w3-opacity"><i>We love music</i></p>

The w3-container class takes care of standard padding.

The w3-center class centers the content.

The w3-wide class provides a wider heading.

The w3-opacity class provides text transparency.

The max-width style sets a maximum with of the band description section.

Then we will add a paragraph describing the band:

<section class="w3-container w3-content w3-center" style="max-width:600px">
<p class="w3-justify">
We have created a fictional band website. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.</p>

The w3-justify class justifies the text's right and left margins.

Then create a <section> or <div> with an <article> or <div> about each band-member:

<section class="w3-row-padding w3-center w3-light-grey">
  <article class="w3-third">
    <img src="img_bandmember.jpg" alt="Random Name" style="width:100%">
  <article class="w3-third">
    <img src="img_bandmember.jpg" alt="Random Name" style="width:100%">
  <article class="w3-third">
    <img src="img_bandmember.jpg" alt="Random Name" style="width:100%">


Finally we will use a <footer> or <div> to create a footer:

<!-- Footer -->
<footer class="w3-container w3-padding-64 w3-center w3-black w3-xlarge">
  <a href="#"><i class="fa fa-facebook-official"></i></a>
  <a href="#"><i class="fa fa-pinterest-p"></i></a>
  <a href="#"><i class="fa fa-twitter"></i></a>
  <a href="#"><i class="fa fa-flickr"></i></a>
  <a href="#"><i class="fa fa-linkedin"></i></a>
  <p class="w3-medium">
    Powered by <a href="" target="_blank">w3.css</a>

The fa fa classes are Font Awesome Icon classes.

To use these classes you must link to a Font Awesome library:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

To learn more about using icons, please visit our Icons Tutorial.