Tutorial PHP

RUMAH PHP Pengenalan PHP Instal PHP Sintaks PHP Komentar PHP Variabel PHP PHP Gema / Cetak Tipe Data PHP String PHP Nomor PHP PHP Matematika Konstanta PHP Operator PHP PHP Jika...Lain...Elseif Beralih PHP PHP Loop Fungsi PHP Array PHP PHP Superglobal PHP RegEx

Formulir PHP

Penanganan Formulir PHP Validasi Formulir PHP Diperlukan Formulir PHP URL/Email Formulir PHP Formulir PHP Lengkap

PHP Lanjutan

Tanggal dan Waktu PHP PHP Termasuk Penanganan File PHP File PHP Buka/Baca Membuat/Menulis File PHP Unggah File PHP Cookie PHP Sesi PHP Filter PHP Filter PHP Tingkat Lanjut Fungsi Panggilan Balik PHP PHP JSON Pengecualian PHP


PHP Apa itu OOP Kelas/Objek PHP Konstruktor PHP Penghancur PHP Pengubah Akses PHP Warisan PHP Konstanta PHP Kelas Abstrak PHP Antarmuka PHP Ciri-ciri PHP Metode Statis PHP Properti Statis PHP Ruang Nama PHP PHP Iterable

Database MySQL

Database MySQL Koneksi MySQL MySQL Buat DB MySQL Buat Tabel MySQL Sisipkan Data MySQL Dapatkan ID Terakhir MySQL Sisipkan Beberapa MySQL Disiapkan MySQL Pilih Data MySQL Dimana MySQL Dipesan Oleh MySQL Hapus Data Data Pembaruan MySQL Data Batas MySQL


PHP XML Parser PHP SimpleXML Parser PHP SimpleXML - Dapatkan PHP XML Ekspat PHP XML DOM


Pengenalan AJAX AJAX PHP Basis Data AJAX AJAX XML Pencarian Langsung AJAX Jajak Pendapat AJAX

Contoh PHP

Contoh PHP Kompilator PHP Kuis PHP Latihan PHP Sertifikat PHP

Referensi PHP

Ikhtisar PHP Array PHP Kalender PHP Tanggal PHP Direktori PHP Kesalahan PHP Pengecualian PHP Sistem File PHP Filter PHP PHP FTP PHP JSON Kata Kunci PHP PHP Libxml Surat PHP PHP Matematika PHP Lain-lain PHP MySQLi Jaringan PHP Kontrol Keluaran PHP PHP RegEx PHP SimpleXML Aliran PHP String PHP Penanganan Variabel PHP PHP XML Parser PHP Zip Zona Waktu PHP

Fungsi Jaringan PHP

Pengenalan Jaringan PHP

Fungsi Jaringan berisi berbagai fungsi jaringan dan memungkinkan Anda memanipulasi informasi yang dikirim ke browser oleh server Web, sebelum keluaran lainnya dikirim.


Fungsi Jaringan adalah bagian dari inti PHP. Tidak diperlukan instalasi untuk menggunakan fungsi-fungsi ini.

Fungsi Jaringan PHP

Function Description
checkdnsrr() Checks DNS records for type corresponding to host
closelog() Closes the connection of system logger
define_syslog_variables() Deprecated and removed in PHP 5.4. Initializes the variables used in syslog functions
dns_check_record() Alias of checkdnsrr()
dns_get_mx() Alias of getmxrr()
dns_get_record() Gets the DNS resource records associated with the specified hostname
fsockopen() Opens an Internet or Unix domain socket connection
gethostbyaddr() Returns the domain name for a given IP address
gethostbyname() Returns the IPv4 address for a given domain/host name
gethostbynamel() Returns a list of IPv4 address for a given domain/host name
gethostname() Returns the host name
getmxrr() Returns the MX records for the specified internet host name
getprotobyname() Returns the protocol number for a given protocol name
getprotobynumber()      Returns the protocol name for a given protocol number
getservbyname() Returns the port number for a given Internet service and protocol
getservbyport() Returns the Internet service for a given port and protocol
header_register_callback() Calls a header function
header_remove() Removes an HTTP header previously set with the header() function
header() Sends a raw HTTP header to a client
headers_list() Returns a list of response headers to be sent to the browser
headers_sent() Checks if/where headers have been sent
http_response_code() Sets or returns the HTTP response status code
inet_ntop() Converts a 32bit IPv4 or 128bit IPv6 address into a readable format
inet_pton() Converts a readable IP address into a packed 32bit IPv4 or 128bit IPv6 format
ip2long() Converts an IPv4 address into a long integer
long2ip() Converts a long integer address into a string in IPv4 format
openlog() Opens the connection of system logger
pfsockopen() Opens a persistent Internet or Unix domain socket connection
setcookie() Defines a cookie to be sent along with the rest of the HTTP headers
setrawcookie() Defines a cookie (without URL encoding) to be sent along with the rest of the HTTP headers
socket_get_status() Alias of stream_get_meta_data()
socket_set_blocking() Alias of stream_set_blocking()
socket_set_timeout() Alias of stream_set_timeout()
syslog() Generates a system log message