Referensi Kelas Pembantu Bootstrap CSS


Tambahkan makna melalui warna teks dengan kelas-kelas di bawah ini. Tautan akan menjadi gelap saat diarahkan:

Class Description Example
.text-muted Text styled with class "text-muted"
.text-primary Text styled with class "text-primary"
.text-success Text styled with class "text-success"
.text-info Text styled with class "text-info"
.text-warning Text styled with class "text-warning"
.text-danger Text styled with class "text-danger"

Latar belakang

Tambahkan makna melalui warna latar belakang dengan kelas-kelas di bawah ini. Tautan akan menjadi gelap saat diarahkan seperti kelas teks:

Class Description Example
.bg-primary Table cell is styled with class "bg-primary"
.bg-success Table cell is styled with class "bg-success"
.bg-info Table cell is styled with class "bg-info"
.bg-warning Table cell is styled with class "bg-warning"
.bg-danger Table cell is styled with class "bg-danger"


Class Description Example
.pull-left Floats an element to the left
.pull-right Floats an element to the right
.center-block Sets an element to display:block with margin-right:auto and margin-left:auto
.clearfix Clears floats
.show Forces an element to be shown (display:block)
.hidden Forces an element to be hidden (display:none)
.invisible Forces an element to be invisible (visibility:hidden). Will take up space on page even though it is invisible
.sr-only Hides an element to all devices except screen readers
.sr-only-focusable Combine with .sr-only to show the element again when it is focused (e.g. by a keyboard-only user)
.text-hide Helps replace an element's text content with a background image
.close Indicates a close icon
.caret Indicates dropdown functionality (will reverse automatically in dropup menus)

Utilitas Responsif

Kelas-kelas ini digunakan untuk menampilkan dan/atau menyembunyikan konten menurut perangkat melalui kueri media.

Gunakan satu atau kombinasi kelas yang tersedia untuk mengalihkan konten di seluruh titik henti area pandang:

Kelas Perangkat ekstra kecil Telepon (<768px) Perangkat kecil Tablet (≥768px) Desktop perangkat sedang (≥992px) Perangkat besar Desktop (≥1200px)
.terlihat-xs-* Terlihat Tersembunyi Tersembunyi Tersembunyi
.terlihat-sm-* Tersembunyi Terlihat Tersembunyi Tersembunyi
.terlihat-md-* Tersembunyi Tersembunyi Terlihat Tersembunyi
.terlihat-lg-* Tersembunyi Tersembunyi Tersembunyi Terlihat
.hidden-xs Tersembunyi Terlihat Terlihat Terlihat
.hidden-sm Terlihat Tersembunyi Terlihat Terlihat
.hidden-md Terlihat Terlihat Tersembunyi Terlihat
.hidden-lg Terlihat Terlihat Terlihat Tersembunyi


Sembunyikan elemen tergantung pada ukuran layar:


<p>Resize this page to see how the text below changes:</p>
<h1 class="hidden-xs bg-danger">This text is hidden on an EXTRA SMALL screen.</h1>
<h1 class="hidden-sm bg-info">This text is hidden on a SMALL screen.</h1>
<h1 class="hidden-md bg-warning">This is text hidden on a MEDIUM screen.</h1>
<h1 class="hidden-lg bg-success">This is text hidden on a LARGE screen.</h1>



Resize this page to see how the text below changes:

This text is hidden on an EXTRA SMALL screen.

This text is hidden on a SMALL screen.

This is text hidden on a MEDIUM screen.

This is text hidden on a LARGE screen.

Mulai v3.2.0, .visible-*-*kelas untuk datang dalam tiga variasi, satu untuk setiap display nilai properti CSS:

Kelompok kelas tampilan CSS
terlihat-*-blok tampilan: blok;
.terlihat-*-inline tampilan: sebaris;
.visible-*-inline-block tampilan: blok sebaris;

Misalnya untuk smlayar kecil ( ), .visible-*-*kelas yang tersedia adalah: .visible-sm-block, .visible-sm-inline, dan .visible-sm-inline-block.

Kelas .visible-xs, .visible-sm, .visible-md, dan .visible-lgtidak digunakan lagi pada v3.2.0 .


<p>Resize this page to see how the text below changes:</p>
<h1 class="visible-xs">This text is shown only on an EXTRA SMALL screen.</h1>
<h1 class="visible-sm">This text is shown only on a SMALL screen.</h1>
<h1 class="visible-md">This text is shown only on a MEDIUM screen.</h1>
<h1 class="visible-lg">This text is shown only on a LARGE screen.</h1>



Resize this page to see how the text below changes:

This text is shown only on an EXTRA SMALL screen.

This text is shown only on a SMALL screen.

This text is shown only on a MEDIUM screen.

This text is shown only on a LARGE screen.