Dropdown Bootstrap JS

Kelas CSS Dropdown

Untuk tutorial tentang Dropdown, baca Tutorial Dropdown Bootstrap kami .

Class Description Example
.dropdown Indicates a dropdown menu
.dropdown-item Style links inside the dropdown menu with proper padding etc
.dropdown-item-text Style text or text links inside the dropdown menu with proper padding etc
.dropdown-menu Builds the dropdown menu
.dropdown-menu-right Right-aligns a dropdown menu
.dropdown-header Adds a header inside the dropdown menu
.dropup Indicates a dropup menu
.disabled Disables an item in the dropdown menu
.active Styles the active element in a dropdown menu
.divider Separates items inside the dropdown menu with a horizontal line

Melalui data-* Atribut

Tambahkan data-toggle="dropdown"ke tautan atau tombol untuk mengaktifkan menu tarik-turun.


<button type="button" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">Dropdown Example</button>

Melalui JavaScript

Aktifkan secara manual dengan:



Catatan: Atribut data-toggle="dropdown" diperlukan terlepas dari apakah Anda memanggil metode dropdown().

Opsi tarik-turun


Metode Dropdown

Tabel berikut mencantumkan semua metode dropdown yang tersedia.

Method Description Try it
.dropdown("toggle") Toggles the dropdown. If set, it will open the dropdown menu by default
.dropdown("update") Updates the position of an element's dropdown
.dropdown("dispose") Destroys an element's dropdown

Acara Dropdown

Tabel berikut mencantumkan semua peristiwa tarik-turun yang tersedia.

Event Description Try it
show.bs.dropdown Occurs when the dropdown is about to be shown.
shown.bs.dropdown Occurs when the dropdown is fully shown (after CSS transitions have completed)
hide.bs.dropdown Occurs when the dropdown is about to be hidden
hidden.bs.dropdown Occurs when the dropdown is fully hidden (after CSS transitions have completed)

Tip: Gunakan event.relatedTarget jQuery untuk mendapatkan elemen yang memicu dropdown:


$(".dropdown").on("show.bs.dropdown", function(event){
  var x = $(event.relatedTarget).text(); // Get the text of the element