dateFilter AngularJS


Menampilkan nomor sebagai format tanggal:

<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="datCtrl">

<p>Date = {{ today | date }}</p>


Definisi dan Penggunaan

Filter datememformat tanggal ke format tertentu.

Tanggal dapat berupa objek tanggal, milidetik, atau string waktu-waktu seperti "2016-01-05T09:05:05.035Z"

Secara default, formatnya adalah "MMM d, y" (5 Jan 2016).


{{ date | date : format : timezone }}

Nilai Parameter

Value Description
format Optional. The date format to display the date in, which can be one or more of the following:
"yyyy" year (2016)
"yy" year (16)
"y" year (2016)
"MMMM" month (January)
"MMM" month (Jan)
"MM" month (01)
"M" month (1)
"dd" day (06)
"d" day (6)
"EEEE" day (Tuesday)
"EEE" day (Tue)
"HH" hour, 00-23 (09)
"H" hour 0-23 (9)
"hh" hour in AM/PM, 00-12 (09)
"h" hour in AM/PM, 0-12 (9)
"mm" minute (05)
"m" minute (5)
"ss" second (05)
"s" second (5)
"sss" millisecond (035)
"a" (AM/PM)
"Z" timezone (from -1200 to +1200)
"ww" week (00-53)
"w" week (0-53)
"G" era (AD)
"GG" era (AD)
"GGG" era (AD)
"GGGG" era (Anno Domini)

The format value can also be one of the following predefined formats:
"short" same as "M/d/yy h:mm a" (1/5/16 9:05 AM)
"medium" same as "MMM d, y h:mm:ss a" (Jan 5, 2016 9:05:05 AM)
"shortDate" same as "M/d/yy" (1/5/16)
"mediumDate" same as "MMM d, y" (Jan 5, 2016)
"longDate" same as "MMMM d, y" (January 5, 2016)
"fullDate" same as "EEEE, MMMM d, y" (Tuesday, January 5, 2016)
"shortTime" same as "h:mm a" (9:05 AM)
"mediumTime" same as "h:mm:ss a" (9:05:05 AM)
timezone Optional. The timezone used to format the date.

Lebih Banyak Contoh


Tampilkan tanggal dalam format khusus:

<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="datCtrl">

<p>Date = {{ today | date :  "dd.MM.y" }}</p>



Menampilkan tanggal menggunakan format yang telah ditentukan:

<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="datCtrl">

<p>Date = {{ today | date : "fullDate" }}</p>



Menampilkan kombinasi tanggal teks dan format yang telah ditentukan:

<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="datCtrl">

<p>Date = {{ today | date : "'today is ' MMMM d, y" }}</p>



Tanggal sebagai string datetime:

<div ng-app="">

<p>Date = {{ "2016-01-05T09:05:05.035Z" | date }}</p>


Halaman Terkait

Tutorial AngularJS: Filter Sudut