ADO Akan Memindahkan dan Menyelesaikan Acara

Referensi Objek Recordset Lengkap

Acara WillMove

Acara WillMove dipicu sebelum operasi mengubah posisi saat ini di Recordset.

Catatan: Sebelum peristiwa ini kembali, setel parameter status ke adStatusCancel untuk membatalkan operasi yang menyebabkan peristiwa ini atau setel ke adStatusUnwantedEvent untuk mencegah pemberitahuan berikutnya.

Acara MoveComplete

Acara MoveComplete dipicu setelah posisi saat ini di Recordset telah berubah.

Catatan: Sebelum peristiwa ini kembali, setel parameter status ke adStatusUnwantedEvent untuk mencegah pemberitahuan berikutnya. 

Catatan: Peristiwa WillMove atau peristiwa MoveComplete dapat terjadi saat memanggil salah satu metode Recordset berikut: Buka, Pindahkan, MoveFirst, MoveLast, MoveNext, MovePrevious, AddNew, dan Requery. Peristiwa ini juga dapat terjadi karena properti berikut: Filter, Indeks, Bookmark, AbsolutePage, dan AbsolutePosition.


WillMove reason,status,objRs

MoveComplete reason,objErr,status,objRs

Parameter Description
reason An EventReasonEnum value that specifies the reason for this event
status An EventStatusEnum value that indicates the status of the execution of the event
objErr The name of an Error object that describes the error if status is set to adStatusErrorsOccurred, otherwise it is not set
objRs The name of the Recordset object that triggered this event

EventReasonEnum Values

Constant Value Description
adRsnRequery 7 An operation requeried the Recordset
adRsnMove 10 An operation moved the record pointer within the Recordset
adRsnMoveFirst 12 An operation moved the record pointer to the first record in the Recordset
adRsnMoveNext 13 An operation moved the record pointer to the next record in the Recordset
adRsnMovePrevious 14 An operation moved the record pointer to the previous record in the Recordset
adRsnMoveLast 15 An operation moved the record pointer to the last record in the Recordset

Nilai EventStatusEnum

Constant Value Description
adStatusOK 1 The operation that caused the event was successful
adStatusErrorsOccurred 2 The operation that caused the event failed
adStatusCantDeny 3 The operation that caused the event cannot be cancelled
adStatusCancel 4 The operation that caused the event is cancelled
adStatusUnwantedEvent 5 Prevents subsequent notifications before the event method has finished executing

Referensi Objek Recordset Lengkap