Metode ADO SaveToFile

Referensi Objek Aliran Lengkap

Metode SaveToFile digunakan untuk menyimpan konten biner dari objek Stream terbuka ke file lokal.

Catatan: Setelah panggilan ke metode ini, posisi saat ini di aliran diatur ke awal aliran (Posisi=0).


objStream.SaveToFile filename,option

Parameter Description
filename Required. The name of the file to save the contents of the Stream object
option Optional. A SaveOptionsEnum value that specifies whether a file should be created if it does not exist or overwritten. Default is adSaveCreateNotExist.

Nilai SaveOptionsEnum

Constant Value Description
adSaveCreateNotExist 1 Default. Creates a new file if the file does not already exist
adSaveCreateOverWrite 2 Overwrites the file with the data from the currently open Stream object, if the file already exists

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